Thanks destiny for makeing me meet all this great people!
I Love my sexy-scottish-boy, Alan as he call him self!
He is anyway the coolest man in the world, if you could get ''the coolest man''
award he would get it!
Or maby the funniest? I can't decide!?
We meet in australia anyhow cuz he was hanging whit the crazy swedish boys Martin, Björn and Patrik!
And cuz I diden't understand him half the time, I just put my hands up and sad WHAT!?
This is what he sent me this morning on Facebook. ( he is really good at swedish as you can see)
Hej you, get out of bed Jonsson
stå upp med bädd!
Kathrine I'm not impressed with my Swedish word of the day: the word is 'b-moll'.
That's really not cool is it. When will I use that. I read it and put my hands up and said What?!
Thanks destiny for makeing me meet this great people!