Om ja skulle ha ett duschdraperi!
Skulle jag lätt ha det här!!
Duschdraperi med text
Tjusigt duschdraperi i en orangeröd kulör med en vit text som täcker hela draperiet. Det är dessutom inte vilken text som helst, utan snarare ett duschdraperis bekännelser...
Texten lyder:
Us shower curtains are like doctors and gynaecologists, there is simply nothing we haven´t seen before. Standing under the warm pulsating jets of water without your clothes on, we can honestly say the mystery, like Elvis, has well and truly left the building. So you can forget holding your stomack in, don´t worry about your hairy back, your third nipple, your larger than average feet, your smaller then average... Actually, on second thoughts you should worry about that, and instead concentrate on getting clean and fresh, and pray that no one goes and flushes the downstair´s toilet and effects the water temperature. owwwwww! oh, too late.

Duschdraperi med text
Tjusigt duschdraperi i en orangeröd kulör med en vit text som täcker hela draperiet. Det är dessutom inte vilken text som helst, utan snarare ett duschdraperis bekännelser...
Texten lyder:
Us shower curtains are like doctors and gynaecologists, there is simply nothing we haven´t seen before. Standing under the warm pulsating jets of water without your clothes on, we can honestly say the mystery, like Elvis, has well and truly left the building. So you can forget holding your stomack in, don´t worry about your hairy back, your third nipple, your larger than average feet, your smaller then average... Actually, on second thoughts you should worry about that, and instead concentrate on getting clean and fresh, and pray that no one goes and flushes the downstair´s toilet and effects the water temperature. owwwwww! oh, too late.
